Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Game Theory Research Paper Topics for Military Training and Operations

Game Theory Research Paper Topics for Military Training and OperationsThe popular press has been an excellent source of game theory research paper topics. The strategies that emerged from strategic operations in the various military conflicts of the last century are now a living part of warfare as we know it. Each individual and group has taken an opposing stance and the resulting intensity can be characterized as 'a game of 'what if's.' ' The results of strategic games allow researchers to accurately gauge the strategic calculations and abilities of different players.One of the interesting games with which students are familiar is called the Prisoner's Dilemma. This game takes place when a pair of identical prisoners is given identical food choices. They are each given two choices, and they must choose between them. They have the same payoff as long as they do not share their food, so if they both pick the same food the first time, they will both get the same amount of food. However , if one of them chooses the food, the other will then be free to take the other prisoner's food.The prisoner is more likely to agree to share with the other prisoner if they know that the other is not entirely sure what they are doing, because they will get the same payoff no matter what. That is, if one prisoner has chosen a food choice, the other prisoner will probably continue to select another food choice, and that will lead to the second prisoner being left with a zero reward. If this were true, the second prisoner would definitely be more open to bargaining, since they would at least have a chance to get something, even if they choose the same food as the first prisoner. But, it is just as likely that the first prisoner will insist on having the same food as the second prisoner, and the second prisoner will be unable to obtain food.So, how can one distinguish which option leads to the largest amount of the prisoner's food? It turns out that the first option, by itself, is not likely to lead to a very large payoff, since the two options are identical. The next option, however, is likely to lead to a very large payoff, while the third option does not give the first option with a large enough advantage to compensate for the loss of the initial benefit.Most of the strategies that have been developed in different military conflicts involve some variation of this strategy. There are very specific and systematic rules that govern the strategic planning and execution. For example, there are rules that dictate the size of each player's forces, how many rounds of firing are allowed before the game ends, what types of defense and offense are allowed, and the priority of various objectives. Even these rules vary by conflict.Even though strategic games such as the Prisoner's Dilemma are relatively simple to understand, the rules governing these games are still important in modern military conflict. The United States has learned that taking a traditional approach to military conflict, like direct confrontation with an opponent's forces, can sometimes produce the desired results, but it has often produced far worse outcomes. In particular, a strike against Iran using a high-end weapon could quickly cause an Iran to shift its policy or provide the basis for greater cooperation between the two countries.If the United States must employ this approach, it should consider making the results of a strike transparent to all parties. The rules of engagement, rules of engagement which affect what actions can be undertaken during each round of the conflict, should all be publicly available. A transparent approach can lead to far greater effectiveness than is normally seen in conflicts where most of the rules of engagement are kept secret.Effective behavior in this type of conflict should also rely on tools that provide predictability. State-of-the-art communication systems can predict the results of future events, such as which weapons and which strategies will be used in a forthcoming engagement. Games with simulations can improve the effectiveness of both sides in learning to cooperate in a game, allowing each side to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the other side.

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